Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two years ago today....

I was wheeled very quickly from my hospital room where I had spent the last four weeks into an emergency c-section and life was never the same after 9:01 and 9:02 a.m. That's when Jack and Collin emerged into the world tiny and little fighters! Needless to say, their birth was the scariest day of my life. Seeing them with tubes everywhere and needing help to breathe was something I'll never forget. But, God has been so faithful and good to us in that they are now very healthy toddlers. Toddlers who do all the normal things, climb on everything, throw temper tantrums, and give us lots of hugs and kisses! I know every parent says this, but my life was so different before they came into this world and I can't imagine not seeing those little faces every day. Thank you God for a blessed two years. Thank you for the support of family and friends, thank you for giving us energy and stamina and rest when we couldn't go on anymore. Thank you for lots of laughter and so many precious moments!

More blogs on the fantastic birthday party over the weekend and pictures to come!

1 comment:

Paige and Jon Erickson said...

Yea!!!! Happy Birthday Jack! Happy Birthday Collin! I can't believe your sweet boys are 2 years old!?!?!?