Monday, March 16, 2009

food for thought..

I really feel as though my life centers around food. And not really in a good way...
See, as it stands right now, Caroline nurses about 5-6 times a day and eats solid foods twice a day. The boys eat 3 good meals, and 2, sometimes 3 snacks a day. So, in total I am feeding someone at least 12 times per day, sometimes 14. Oh yes, and I have to eat as well as get Sean fed (although he never throws his food on the floor, which I appreciate!).
So, if I don't answer my phone or return an e-mail, you can rest assured that I am not ignoring you, just feeding a hungry mouth.

Also, I've mentioned before that my boys eat alot. Oh, they are typical toddlers and some meals choose to eat very little, but for the most part, they EAT. Last night was a new record though. I bought them turkey sausages and they ate the ENTIRE package between them for dinner. Plus, some sweet potato and fruit. So much for leftovers!

1 comment:

Catherine T said...

Sigh...I wish I could relate.