Thursday, March 4, 2010

So ready for spring!

Let's see.. February was the month of sickness at our house. Can't say that I was sorry to see it come to an end. Just for a little rundown for whoever is keeping tally, our house endured pink eye galore, stomach bug galore, pneumonia (with an ER visit!!), bronchitis, ear infections, coughs, runny noses, and probably some strep thrown in for good measure (not diagnosed but who cares? we were on mega antibiotics anyways!).

Soooooo incredibly happy to have some warm weather and on our way to healthiness!
Sean and I did manage to sneak away for one night to San Antonio thanks to Mimi and Grampy and have a great dinner and just some down time. I even slept in and ordered room service! Very nice! And we apologize for then inflicting our illness on those sweet people!
Kiddo updates:

Caroline is talking up a storm!! Can't ever get her to be quiet (that's how I knew she was sick.. not talking). She pretty much just narrates her whole day for whoever is listening!

She loves the park and still loves her brothers.. turning into a little mom.. makes sure they have their sippy cups and other necessities. She's their little slave girl and very happy to do so!
The boys are in store for some big changes soon I think... About to turn 3 and soon to move to big boy beds.. Yep, that's right.. still in cribs! they have never tried to get out and this tired mom and dad felt no need to rock the boat. But, it's probably time. I figure CPS might come out if they are still in cribs at 5?? We are going to have to strip down the room to ensure that two curious little boys don't get into anything!
And.. I think we might be on the verge of potty training.. Collin is not wanting to wear wet or poopy diapers and they are starting to get interested. Oh Lord help me!! I will be ecstatic to have someone out of diapers, but honestly dreading the process!

Jack has informed us that we are having a fire truck birthday party so mom needs to do some checking on that and I think a swingset for the backyard is in their future.

Here's to more sunshine around here!! Thank you God!!

And P.S. I know I don't have many pictures of Collin on here, but man, that kid is hard to get a picture of! Never stops moving!!

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